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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The judge in the case valued fairness and was IMPARTIAL in his rulings. He was careful to remain objective. IMPARTIAL means biased and prejudiced OR neutral and balanced OR disapproving and harsh
neutral and balanced
While in the cast, her muscles ATROPHIED. Once it was removed, she had to rebuild her strength. ATROPHIED means wasted away OR increased in pain OR left alone
wasted away
Her ABRASIVE personality turned many would-be friends away from her. ABRASIVE means capable of cleaning a hard surface or insensitive to others feelings or underwhelming
insensitive to others
affectionate, loving Also means a type or variety
happening now Also a gift
a fruit Also the day of the month or year Also to go out with someone romantically
a type of flower Also is the past tense of “rise”
to squash Also means a short infatuation with someone
having a sugary taste, the opposite of sour Also means pleasant, delightful
The man spoke with CANDOR and sincerity when he expressed his deep love and affection.
Chris thought giving a gift chocolate and flowers was AKIN to committing to a relationship.
My mom told me not to DAWDLE and linger at the mall. She didn't want me to spend the entire day shopping.
Waste time.
The breakup devastated Christy and left a painful VOID in her life.
I was deeply moved by the pastor's ORATION on love and forgiveness.
Formal speech
She had a RUDIMENTARY knowledge of baking and chose a simple cake recipe to make.
Jonathan is calm and MELLOW, a pleasant person to be around.
Casey suggested having a valentine's day dance. The students CONCURRED and thought it was a great idea.