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Realistic Contemporary Fiction
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Abba had a brother who died fighting in Bangladesh? True or False?
Who was president during 9/11?
George W Bush
What is the name of the war the U.S. starts after 9/11?
The War on Terror
What is the third category/type of Setting and Physical and Cultural?
Power Structure
What element is Bangladesh known for?
Who is the author of Ask Me No Questions? Last name is fine.
Marina Budhos
What punctuation do we use when citing evidence straight from the test?
quotation marks. " "
What is the literary term that means how the conflict resolved/ends?
What is a Muslim house of worship called?
a mosque
What religion does Ali-Uncle follow?
What country is the protagonist from?
What large city is close to the home of Nadira's family?
New York City
What state is Abba detained in?
What are the 2 parts to Physical Setting?
Location and Time
What do we call the universal message of a story?
What are the middle paragraphs of an essay called?
Body Paragraphs?
What is the last paragraph in an essay called?
What is the term for the character/thing who causes conflict in fiction?
What is the literary term for the main character?
What is the first paragraph in an essay called?