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Chapter 5: Consumer Math: Buying and Maintaining ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name a way you could reduce the cost of commuting.
Carpool, take public transportation, work from home, etc.
True/False: It is always cheaper to drive on a vacation than to fly in an airplane.
True/False: The heavier the car the better the gas mileage.
Typically which vehicle will have better gas mileage on the highway, a sedan or a pick up truck?
True/False: If you cause an accident, your insurance will not pay for your medical bills.
True/False: If you are in a car accident, your insurance will buy you a new version of your same car.
True/False: All car insurances will charge you a $500 deductible.
Gas costs $4.26 per gallon. You need to fill your car (12 gallons) and a container for your lawn mower (2 gallons). How much will you spend on gas total?
$51.12 + $8.52 = $59.64
Your new tires cost $450. There is 6.35% sales tax and your mechanic is paid $65/hour. The repair takes 1 and a half hours. How much will this cost you in total?
$478.58 (parts and tax) + 97.50 labor = $576.08
What is one way you could pay less for car insurance?
Good student discount, car with safety features, garage the vehicle, etc.
Name one factor that may result in higher car insurance cost.
Answers will vary - staff discretion - car age, type, amount of miles driving, age, gender, driving history, safety features of car, city/town of residence, etc
True/False: Every 18 year old driver will pay the say premium for car insurance.
True/False: You pay tax on the gas you buy.
True (Added into the price on the sign/pump)
True/False: Price of gas varies from station to station, town to town, state to state.
You drive to school every weekday. School is 5 miles from your house. How many miles are you driving (round trip) for the 180 day school year?
5 miles (times 2) times 180 days = 1,800 miles total
You are planning a trip to Orlando, FL from Trumbull, CT. Your vehicle gets 32 mpg. How many gallons of gas will it take you to get there and back?
1,136.1 mi (times 2) divided by 32 mpg = 71 gallons
If gas costs $4.39 a gallon and your tank is 10 gallons (but is 1/4 full still). How much will it cost you to fill-up your tank? (Round to the nearest cent)
Will you pay sales tax in Connecticut on parts when having a repair done?
Should your mechanic charge you sales tax on their labor costs?
Name a negative about buying a used car.
Answers will vary - staff discretion
Name a negative about buying a new car.
Answers will vary - staff discretion
Name a positive about buying a used car.
Answers will vary - staff discretion
Name a positive about buying a new car.
Answers will vary - staff discretion