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Micro-organisms and Biodiversity Part 2

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Chicken pox and rabies is caused by which pathogen?
Which phylum does this organism belong to?
Which phylum does this organism belong to?
Which organism is this or what kingdom does it belong to?
Kingdom Protista, paramecium
Explain the three main structures that are important in this organism.
Fruiting body, mycelium, hyphae
Which pathogen is important for the Lytic cycle? What is the Lytic cycle?
Which kingdom has halophiles, methanogens, thermophiles in it?
We are currently going through a pandemic called covid-19, is this organisms that infects us considered living?
No - virus
Explain how viruses, fungi and bacteria infect their host organism?
Bacteria - entering body, virus - injecting thier genetic material, fungi- tiny spores
What are the steps for a pathogen to cause an infection?
Find a portal of entry, attach to host, survive hosts defense, cause disease, exit the host
Prokaryotes usually reproduce asexually. Will the offspring's be identical to the parent? Will the offspring be identical to each other?
Identical to each other and the parent
A microbiologist looks at a sample of prokaryotes under a microscope. She notice that they are "rod-shaped". What is the scientific name for this shape?
Why are micro-organisms important?
Nutrient cycling, biodegradation, climate change, food spoilage, cause and control of disease, biotechnology.