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E4C Pines 2 HVT Primary Demo: Tet Holiday

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is he wearing?
A mask. / The dragon master's mask.
After visiting their family, what do people often do during Tết holiday?
Besides Vietnam, which other countries celebrate Lunar New Year?
China, Taiwan and South Korea.
During Tết holiday, we spend time with our...
What are they doing?
They are cleaning the house.
What can you buy here?
Decorations. / Lanterns.
What kind of market is this?
A flower market.
Can you name five different fruits we eat during Tết holiday?
Bananas, papaya, coconuts, dates, pineapples etc.
What kind of dance is this?
A lion dance.
How do we say 'Chúc mừng năm mới!' in English?
"Happy new year!"
What kind of money is this?
Lucky money.
What is she holding?
Lucky money. / Lucky money envelopes.
What kind of tree is this?
A kumquat tree.
What kind of blossom is this?
Apricot blossom.
What kind of blossom is this?
Peach blossom.
What is this?
Chung cake (bánh chưng).
What are these?
2020 was the year of which animal?
The rat.
2021 was the year of which animal?
The ox.
2022 is the year of which animal?
The tiger.