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How do you apply contrast in an art work?
Contrast can be done by considering the arrangement of opposite elements like small or large shapes, rough or smooth, light or dark colors.
What texture is shown?
What texture is shown?
What texture is shown?
What texture is shown?
___________ refer to how the surface of an artwork can be felt. There are various feelings when one touches a work of art.
These lines signify movements, cheerfulness, and continuity.
Dynamic Lines
These lines give the impression of violence, dislike, hatred, chaos, and disorder.
Jagged Lines
These lines suggest calmness, peace, and sobriety.
Horizontal Lines
These lines convey uprightness, dignity, and assurance.
Vertical Lines
They suggest firmness and straightforwardness.
Static Lines
This is done when you print through a screen of a very fine silk stretched tightly over a simple wooden frame.
Silk Screen Printing
It is done when you cut design out of a special paper, cardboard, or metal sheet in such a way that when ink is rubbed over it, the design is reproduced on the surface beneath.
Stencil Process
This is done when your design is scratched, engraved, or etched into a metal plate.
This process of relief printing is done on wood.
Type of Printmaking. It is done when you cut away portions from a block or wood leaving portions of the design that will stand out on the block.
Relief Printing
is an art of transferring or duplicating images. These images are formed and produced on one surface like wood, rubber, or metal.
He was known as the “Father of Modern Art in the Philippines”
Victorio Edades
He was known as the Filipino cubist painter and illustrator.
Vicente Manansala
National Artist for Visual Arts. He was known as a great muralist and a painter of historic scenes
Carlos "Botong" Francisco
National Artist for Painting. He was known for his portraits and Philippine rural scenes
Fernando Amorsolo