Edit Game
Prepare 4 Unit 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: I sent you loads of messages last night but you didn't read any of them. B: No, sorry. I ______________ (train) for a swimming competition. It’s on Sunday. _____________ (you / come) to watch?
No, sorry. I was training for a swimming competition. It’s on Sunday. Are you coming to watch?
I ________ (send) you loads of messages last night but you _________ (not read) any of them.
I sent you loads of messages last night but you didn't read any of them.
A: How old were you when you got your driving licence? B: Eighteen. But I __________ (not own) a car until I was 25.
Eighteen. But I didn't own a car until I was 25.
How old ________ (be) you when you _______ (get) your driving licence?
How old were you when you got your driving licence?
A: Are you going cycling next Saturday? B: No. I __________ (usually / go) cycling on Saturdays, but I _______ (lose) my helmet yesterday.
No. I usually go cycling on Saturdays, but I lost my helmet yesterday.
__________ (you / go) cycling next Saturday?
Are you going cycling next Saturday?
A: Why is Tom being so unfriendly at the moment? B: I _________ (not know). He usually ________ (say) hello in the mornings.
I don't know. He usually says hello in the mornings.
Why ________ Tom __________ (be) so unfriendly at the moment?
Why is Tom being so unfriendly at the moment?
A: Why did you stop having guitar lessons? B: I ___________ (not make) any progress and I didn’t like the teacher.
wasn't making
Why ________ you ________ (stop) having guitar lessons?
Why did you stop having guitar lessons?
A: I'm spending a lot of time on homework at the moment. B: Me too. It’s unbelievable! Last term, we _________ (not have) as much work.
didn't have
I ________________ (spend) a lot of time on homework at the moment.
am spending