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Separating Mixtures

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Page 131 Question 2 What are a,b,c?
a. filtrate b. filter c. residue
Page 131 Question 1 what is a, b , c ?
a. filtrate b. residue c. filter
Page 132 Question 6?
Sifting, What about filtration?
Page 132 Question 5: the method is _________, and it is (small or big), the diagram is ?
Sifting / big/ diagram E
PAge 132 Question 4: The Process is _________, and the (liquid/gas or solid ) , the diagram is ?
Filtration / liquid,gas/ diagram C
Page 132 Question 3: The method is ___________, and the (solvent or solute) and the diagram is ?
Evaporation / solute / diagram A
Page 132 Question 2 The method is called ________ and it is (solvent or solute) and the diagram is ?
Magnetism / attracts / D
Page 132 Question 1 The method of separation is ______ and it (condenses or Evaporates) what is the correct diagram?
Distillation / Condenses / B