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What different kingdoms were there in the Iberian Peninsula at the end of the Middle Ages?
Castillla, Navarra, Aragon and Portugal.
What kingdoms fight with Castilla in Salados war?
Granada kingdom.
What is the principal cause in the recovery of the Urban Life in Europe at the XI century?
The agrary production provide a lot of products.
What is the name of the scope of Mahoma in the Meca?
How is divided the Curia Regia?
Curia Regia Ordinary and Extraordinary.
What was the aim of the Portuguese expeditions?
Find new routes and get direct acces to the gold of Sudan
Wich is the most important structure of the nazari empire?
The black rock
What is the most eficient the wind mill or the water mill?
The water mill.
What is the adarve?
Is a trail that is in the higher art of the castle.
Wich is the main religous precept in the islamic religion?
There aren't more gods that Allah and Mahoma is his prophet