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Govenor of Wisconsin
Tony Evers
Name Two U.S. Territories
Puerto Rico â–ª U.S. Virgin Islands â–ª American Samoa â–ª Northern Mariana Islands â–ª Guam
Name the two longest rivers in the U.S.
Mississippi Missouri \
Name one Native American Tribe in the U.S.
Who was the U.S. President During WWII
Who was the U.S. President during WWI
Woodrow Wilson
Current Speaker of the House
What date are federal income taxes due?
April 15
There are four amendments to the constitution which change voting. Describe one rule.
18 women all male citizens can vote no tax to vote.
Name one power which belongs to the states under the COnstitution
Education, fire, intrastate trade, police, enforce state laws, interpret state laws (still under supreme court) etc.
Name two cabinet level posts
State, Ag, Def, Tres, Ed, Energy ETC
Name the President and Vice President
Biden + HArris
How many Congressional districts are there is Wis?
Name our U.S. Represetnative
Tom Tiffany
Name both Wisconsin U.S. Senators
Tammy Baldwin (D) Ron Johnson (R)
How long does a U.S. Senator serve for?
6 year term
How long does a representative in the House serve?
2 year term