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I9 U7B Empower Quantifiers

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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21 I haven’t got enough confidence to speak in public.
20 I haven’t got much online friends.
I haven't got many online friends.
19 There aren’t some nice parks in this city.
Incorrect. There aren't any nice parks in this city.
18 There are some lovely buildings in my town.
17 I have quite a few tracks on my MP3 player.
16 There is too many information online.
Incorrect. There is too much information online.
15 I love reading – I have quite a lot of books at home.
14 I always put a little sugar in my coffee.
13 There are few shops where I live – enough to buy basics.
There are a few shops where I live- ...
12 There aren’t few chairs in this room – some people will have to stand.
Incorrect. There are too few chairs/ There aren't enough chairs in this room.
11 Most people haven’t got enough time to enjoy themselves.
10 People in the finance industry earn a lot of money.
9 There aren’t much good places to eat in my town.
Incorrect. There aren't many good places to eat in my town.
8 Most people have money enough to buy what they want.
Most people have enough money to buy what they want
7 I think young people have far too much mobile devices these days.
Incorrect. I think young people have far too many mobile devices these days.
6 There are too much people in my house – it’s very crowded.
Incorrect. There are too many people in my house-it's very crowded.
5 I’ve got very little time to go out these days.
4 I haven’t got some work to do tomorrow.
Incorrect. I haven't got any work to do tomorrow.
3 There is too many traffic in my town.
There is too much traffic in my town.
2 There aren’t a lot of space in my home.
Incorrect. There isn't a lot of space in my home.
1 There are a lot of people living in my town.