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The Church: Christ's Continued Presence in the W ...

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The term has three meanings: (1) the entire People of God throughout the world; (2) the diocese, which is also known as the local Church; (3) the assembly of believers gathered for the celebration of the liturgy
Refers to the living process of passing on the Gospel message
Sacred Tradition
The fiftieth day following Easter, which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the early Apostles and disciples
The regional community of believers, who commonly gather in parishes, under the leadership of a bishop
The formal statement or profession of Christian belief
Nicene Creed
From the Latin, meaning “to become flesh,” referring to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the Divine Son of God, becoming man
The proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ through words and witness.
The free and undeserved gift that God gives us to empower us to respond to his call and to live as his adopted sons and daughters
A non-Jewish person
A change of heart, turning away from sin and toward God