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Micro-organism and Diversity Game

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This kingdom is known as the decomposers, which kingdom is this?
Domains Bacteria and Archaea are know to be similar. What kingdoms does bacteria have and what kingdom does Archaea have?
Kingdom Bacteria, Kingdom Archaea.
Which kingdom is known to have the most diversity in terms of species that are unable to fit in other major kingdoms of life.
Kingdom Protista.
What are the three shapes and arrangements of bacteria and archaea?
Shapes - Cocci, Bacilli, Spirilli. Arrangements - diplo, staphylo, and strepto.
Give two examples of helpful interactions with Bacteria.
Eat away our dead skin cells, live in our digestive tracts, help plants use nitrogen from air, etc.
T/F. If you get a vaccine this means that you cannot be infected by the pathogen.
Direct transmission is the spread of disease directly from one host to another. Provide two ways that diseases can spread directly.
Saliva, Venereal (sexual contact), aerosol (coughing, sneezing), skin contact, fecal-oral (contaminated food/water)
Explain sexual reproduction in fungus.
Explain the process of budding.
Budding is when you will get an identical daughter cell from the original cell.
Name the 3 domains and 6 kingdoms.
Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya. Bacteria, Archaea, Protist, Fungi, Animalia and Plants.
How is the relationship between fungi and plants beneficial for both parties?
Fungi help to provide nutrients and extend the root systems for plants. The plants provide nutrients (sugars) to the fungi,
We are currently going through a pandemic called covid-19, is this organisms that infects us considered living?
No - virus
What are the common structural features of a virus?
Genetic material, capsid, spikes
How do bacteria, viruses and fungi infect their host organism?
Bacteria - entering body, virus - injecting thier genetic material, fungi- tiny spores
Why is it important to have (or introduce) genetic diversity or variability during reproduction?
Allows the organism to better survive and adapt to its environment.
Which kingdom has halophiles, methanogens, thermophiles in it?
What is the definition of a micro-organism?
A living organism that can be seen through a microscope. This includes: bacteria, protozoa, algae and fungi.
Explain some key differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Nucleus, cell membrane, unicellular or multicellular, kingdoms, membrane bound organelles, complexity,