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S1 Franny K.Stein

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the two meanings of the word BAT?
1. a flying animal that looks like rat 2. a big stick to hit balls.
How was Franny's lunch different from other friends' lunch?
Other friends ate sandwiches while Franny ate exquisitely delicious crab ravioli in pumpkin sauce.
How was Franny's doll different from other friends' dolls? (Name 2 different things)
1. Franny's doll could bite the other dolls' head off. 2. Franny's doll oozed uck while others did not.
Why did Franny see what other children did at the school?
She wanted to see how other kids act so that she can make an invention that makes her act normally like them.
What did Miss Shelly tell Franny to do to feel less lonely?
She told her to try making friends like an experiment.
How did Franny feel at school and why?
Lonely because she could not make friends.
Name one thing Franny did at school that made other friends afraid of her.
1. She used her pet snake to jump rope. 2. Her lunch was different from other kids. 3. Her doll bit heads while others looked nice and sweet.
How did the friends at the new school treat Franny?
They were not really friendly toward Franny because they thought she was weird.
Name 5 weird things in Franny's bedroom
1. Giant spiders 2. Lots of bats 3. Steaming test tubes 4. Strange bubbling beakers 5. Crackling electrical gizmos 6. A snake house
What would Franny do to her bedroom again even though her mom already cleaned and redecorated it?
She would make the room look dark, creepy, and spooky like a dungeon again.
How did Franny's mother redecorate Franny's bedroom?
She decorated her bedroom with daisies and lilacs, and pictures of lovely horses, so that the room would look sweet and pretty.