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5th grade Ecology

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Another con of BRT is that it takes a lot of ___ and ______ to plan for it.
Another con of BRT is that it takes a lot of TIME and MONEY to plan for it.
One con of BRT is that _______________.
One con of BRT is that IT TAKES UP A LOT OF SPACE.
Another important fact about BRT is that they have _____ _______ ______ ______ ______.
Another important fact about BRT is that they have STATIONS AROUND THE CITY. YOU CAN WAIT COMFORTABLY HERE.
One other important fact about BRT is that they don't have _____ _______ ______ ______ ______.
One other important fact about BRT is that they DON'T HAVE TO STOP OFTEN LIKE OTHER BUSES.
One important fact about BRT is that they have _____ _______ ______ ______ ______.
One important fact about BRT is that they have SEPARATE LANES JUST FOR BUSES.
A pro of BRT is that there is less ____ and less _________ because people don't use cars.
A pro of BRT is that there is less TRAFFIC and less POLLUTION because people don't use cars.
A pro of bike tracks is that there is less ____ and less _________ because people don't use cars.
A pro of bike tracks is that there is less traffic and less pollution because people don't use cars.
Another con of bike tracks is that they are ______________ to ride in the _____ and _____.
Another con of bike tracks is that they are UNPLEASANT to ride in the RAIN and SNOW.
One con of bike tracks is that they take up a lot of __________.
One con of bike tracks is that they take up a lot of SPACE.
The third important fact about bike tracks is that they have ____ ______ ___ ________.
The third important fact about bike tracks is that they have PARKING LOTS FOR BICYCLES.
The second important fact about bike tracks is that they ____ ____ _____ ____ _____.
The second important fact about bike tracks is that they GO ALL OVER THE CITY.
There are three important facts about bike tracks. First, they ____________________.
There are three important facts about bike tracks. First, they HAVE BARRIERS THAT SEPARATE THEM FROM OTHER CARS.
Another possible solution to the problem is __________ __________ __________.
Another possible solution to the problem is BUS RAPID TRANSIT.
One possible solution to the problem is ______________.
One possible solution to the problem is BICYCLE TRACKS.
The city asked us to help solve the problem of _________ and _____________.
The city asked us to help solve the problem of TOO MUCH TRAFFIC and POLLUTION.