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WHB Unit 6 Test Review

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What finally brought the US into WWI, ending its policy of neutrality?
The Zimmerman Note
U-boats were German submarines used against Allied supply ships. True or False?
The Bolshevik Revolution began as a civil war in Russia. True or False?
According to the Treaty of Versailles, what country was expected to pay for the damages caused in WWI?
The Socialist group called the Bolsheviks led the final state of the Russian Revolution and followed the teachings of who? Karl Marx or John Locke?
Karl Marx
Which of these conditions did soldiers contract from fighting in trenches during WWI? Tetanus or trench-foot?
The western front during WWI was a stagnant war fought from trenches with neither side gaining or losing much. True or False?
Unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany was one reason the US joined WWI? True or False?
How many estimated deaths were caused by WWI (combining military and civilian deaths)? 6 million or 16 million?
16 million
What was Woodrow Wilson's winning slogan in the US presidential election of 1916?
He kept us out of war
What type of naval vessel allowed the Germans to not be completed dominated by the British at sea during WWI? Submarines or destroyers?
World War I was mostly fought between the countries of what continent? Europe or Africa?
Which side was the United States on at the start of the war?
Neither - the US was neutral at the start of the war.
What country declared war on Servia at the very start of World War I?
Who was Archduke Ferdinand?
The heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary
What is it called when a country expands its influence and power into a large empire?
Which three European countries signed an alliance called the Triple Entente?
France, Britain and Russia
As part of the Treaty of Versailles, Woodrow Wilson sought to create the League of Nations. True or False?
The harsh conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles after WWI most directly laid the foundation for the decline of fascism in Germany. True or False?
Imperialism was one of the many causes of World War I. True or False?
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is considered the spark that ignited WWI. True or False?