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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete: "You_________watch TV now. You have to go to be"
Complete: "_______________(she) speak Chinese?
Can she speak Chinese?
Rewrite this sentence using a modal: "It's illegal for cars to park here" YOU
You can't park here
Is this sentence correct? "Carol have to get the driving license"
INCORRECT: Carol has to get the driving license
Is this sentence correct: "Have I to prepare the food?"
INCORRECT: Do I have to prepare the food?
Rewrite this sentence using a modal: " It's obligatory to show your passport at the check-in desk" YOU
You have to show your passport at the check-in desk
Complete this sentence: "When I was younger, I _______ speak English.
Is this sentence correct? "You have to try the new noodle restaurant next door"
Is this sentence correct: "We haven't to wear a jacket unless it's cold"
INCORRECT: We don't have to wear....
Rewrite this sentence: "Are dogs allowed to enter in the café?"
Can dogs enter in the café?
Complete this sentence: "_____________ women vote in 1900?"
Rewrite this sentence: "I was able to ride a bike when I was three"
I could ride a bike when I was three
Rewrite this sentence: "He is obliged to go to the police station twice a week" HE ...
He has to go to the.....
Rewrite this sentence: "It's essential that we don't arrive late" WE ...
We can't be late
Rewrite this sentence: "I strongly recommend that you watch this TV show" YOU ...
You have to watch this TV show
Rewrite this sentence: "It is not necessary to wear hiking boots" YOU
You don't have to wear hiking boots
Complete this sentence: "Grandpa ______________ run marathons when he was 25"
Rewrite this sentence: "Mum said I was allowed to go to the party".
Mum said I could go to the party
Rewrite this sentence: "It's obligatory to pay things from a shop" YOU
You have to pay things from a shop