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Sports Trivia

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What does NBA stand for?
National Basketball Association
Who has won more tennis grand slam titles, Venus Williams or Serena Williams?
Serena Williams
The Olympics are held every how many years?
4 years
In hockey, how many players from each team are allowed to be on the ice at the same time?
According to NBA rules, how long does a player have after catching the ball to shoot a free throw?
10 seconds
A shuttlecock is used in what sport?
In centimetres, how big is the diameter of a basketball hoop?
46 cm
Since the first world cup of soccer in 1930, which two European teams have been in the final game most freaquently?
Germany and Italy
What are the colours of the five Olympic rings?
Red, yellow, green, blue and black
What sport do the Chicago Bulls play?
What colour is the centre of the target in archery?
Golden / Yellow
What country does the football player Zlatan Ibrahimovic come from?
How long is an Olympic-size swimming pool?
50 metres
In which sport was Muhammad Ali the world champion?
What sport is played in Wimbledon?
How long is a marathon?
+/- 42km
In which country were the 2020 (2021) Olympic Games held?
How long is one lap of an athletics track?
400 metres
How many holes are there in a golf course?
How often are the World Athletics Championships held?
Every 2 years
How long does a football match last?
90 minutes