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Evidence of Evolution

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spandrels example are considered as an example of
consequence of adaption
one species evolves to resemble another species.
The image shows an example of
( T / F ) Changes in the environment could lead to mutation
is a measure of the relative contribution that an individual trait makes to the next generation
Darwin lies the idea that natural selection leads to ...........................
is the study of how plants and animals are distributed on Earth
Organisms with closely related morphological features have more closely related ................... features
( T / F ) The cytochrome c in the pig and in the monkey share more amino acid sequences with humans than the cytochrome c in the duck shares with humans
is an early, prebirth stage of an organism’s development.
The image below shows a
Analogous structures
different skeletal structure , same uses , different ancestor
Analogous structures
reduced form of a structure that is functional in other organisms
Vestigial structures
Anatomical structures inherited from a common ancestor
Homologous structures
are newly evolved features, such as feathers, that do not appear in the fossils of common ancestors
Derived traits
states that all organisms on Earth descend with modifications from their ancestors
The theory of evolution