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1930's "Great Depression" Vocabulary

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Nickname for tent villages filled with people who lost their homes or jobs. Hint: named after President Hoover who many blamed for the Depression.
Tariff Act of 1930 that raised tariffs on imported goods in an attempt to save U.S. businesses, but backfired making the Depression worse.
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Oklahoma-born folk singer who wrote songs about loss and struggle during the Great Depression.
Woody Guthrie
Famous author who wrote about the Great Depression in his novel "The Grapes of Wrath"
John Steinbeck
African-American female educator who served as an adviser in the Roosevelt administration.
Mary McLeod Bethune
Massive dust storms that devastated crops in the Great Plains and forced millions to move.
The Dust Bowl
Strike where workers stayed in factories so they could not be replaced by new workers.
Sit-down strike
Organized workers into unions based on industry, not skill level.
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
Guaranteed deposits in individual bank accounts
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Work relief program that created jobs on environmental projects for single, unemployed men
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Refinanced loans to keep farmers from losing their land
Farm Credit Act (FCA)
Legislation passed in 1935 that provided some financial security for the elderly, the disabled, children and the unemployed.
Social Security Act
Active supporter of New Deal Programs and famous humanitarian. Hint: she was the First Lady (wife of FDR).
Eleanor Roosevelt
FDR's Secretary of Labor, the nation's first female cabinet member.
Frances Perkins
Federal project that hired people to build dams and generators, bringing electricity and jobs to communities in the Tennessee river valley.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Radio addresses in which FDR spoke directly to the American people.
Fireside chats
New Programs created by Roosevelt to battle the Depression and aid economic recovery.
The New Deal
New York governor elected President in the 1932 election.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)
Unemployed World War I veterans who camped in Washington D.C. to demand early payment of military bonuses.
Bonus Army
Severe, economic depression that followed the stock crash of 1929.
"Great Depression"
Up-and-down pattern of business production and unemployment
Business cycle
Tuesday, October 29, the day the stock market crashed
"Black Tuesday"
Year the stock market crashed, which helped set off the Great Depression
Purchasing stocks with borrowed money
Buying on margin