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Causes of the Civil War

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why did the south not like Uncle Tom's Cabinet?
because it tried to urge people away from slavery
Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabinet in 1852?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
What did the Republicans bring to court to show that the South was violent?
Sumner's bloody shirt
What is Lincoln's quote for his 1860 presidential election?
"a house divided cannot stand"
What event is the last straw that makes the civil war occur?
Lincoln taking office
When does the Civil war start?
April 21, 1861
What did the south call itself when it left the US?
The Confederate States of America
When did the south go out of the union?
December 20, 1860
What is Lincoln's goal?
to stop the expansion of savery
Who was the first Republican president?
Abraham Lincoln
When did Republicans rise?
Why did the Whig Party disband?
it didn't take a stand from slavery
What did the South see John Brown as?
a murderer
What did the North see John Brown as?
a hero
What did John Brown believe his mission was?
to kill all slave owners
Who were the Border Ruffians?
people who were for slavey (South)
who were the Jayhawkers?
people who were against slavery (North)
What did the Free Soil Party believe?
people should be free on free soil
What was the purpose of the Free-Soil Party?
to oppose expansion of slavery to the west
What is Popular Sovereignty?
it's the idea that people should decide what they want for themselves (to vote/ higher number of people decide)( for or against slavery)
Wo wrote the Kansas- Nebraska Act?
Stephen Doughlas
What year did the Kansa- Nebraska Act happen?
Who becomes the president after Taylor's death?
Milford Fillmore
T/F Zachary Taylor wants to veto the compromise of 1850 because he hates slavery
What is the Fugitive Slave law?
it allowed owners to track their slaves down if they ran away
What does the compromise ef 1850 consist of?
California became a free state, territories can become a slave state, size of Texas is reduced, no slave trade in Washington DC, and Fugitive Slave Law
Who created the compromise of 1850?
Henry Clay
When does California become a part of the union?
When does California enter the union? (reason)
discovery of gold
What was the Civil War about?