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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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“I’m going to see the new documentary tomorrow,” said Paul. (following
Paul said that he was going to see the new documentary the following day
“Let’s eat lunch in the park,” she suggested. (that)
She suggested that we eat lunch in the park
“Must I thaw the meat before I cook it?” I asked Mum. (if)
I asked mum if I had to thaw the meat before I cooked it
“Glaciers in this area are melting rapidly,” the ecologist told us. (that)
The ecologist told us that glaciers in that area were melting rapidly
“Don’t take the car when you can walk,” said the environmentalist. (not)
The environmentalists told/ordered not to take the car when you could walk
“I won’t use my phone again today.” Paul promised not to / to not use his phone again this / that day.
Not to / that
Is the glacier melting more quickly?” The tourist asked was the glacier melting / if the glacier was melting more quickly.
/ if the glacier was melting
How many electric cars were there on the roads last year?” Dad asked how many electric cars had there been / there had been on the roads the previous / following year
There had been / previous
“What is a carbon footprint?” She asked what was a carbon footprint / a carbon footprint was.
A carbon footprint was
“I was with my friends all day.” He claimed that he has been / had been with my / his friends all day.
Had been / his
Give an example of the following: an item in a landfill
(Teacher's criteria)
Give an example of the following: food that melts easily
(Teacher's criteria)
Nature reserves protect ............................................ animals (eco-friendly / crops / endangered)
The ............................................ person in the USA uses as much energy as 370 people in Ethiopia. (soil / crops / average)
There is always a lot of ............................................ in the air, which is why homes often smell. (flooding / moisture / soil)
Why build houses in an area next to a river, where there is a high risk of ............................................ ? (flooding / droughts / average)