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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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, D’Amato tells the team owner that he is moving to New Mexico, ................................................................... he is going to coach a new team (Who / where / that)
D’Amato gives an amazing speech, ................................................................... I know by heart (Which / that / when)
. The other players, ................................................................... know that Beamen can help them to win (Which / that / who)
Rewrite the sentences: We are finally going to meet our Chinese representatives. We have been corresponding with them for months.
We are finally going to meet our Chinese representatives, with whom we have been corresponding for months.
Rewrite the sentences: Oprah Winfrey is dedicated to helping women around the world. Her show was very popular.
Oprah Winfrey, whose show was very popular, is dedicated to helping women around the world
Rewrite the sentences: My dad gets up at 5 am on workdays. At that time, the rest of us are still asleep
My dad gets up at 5 am on workdays, when the rest of us are still asleep
Rewrite the sentences: The town centre car park is closed today. I usually park there. (where)
The town centre car park, where I usually park, is closed today.
Rewrite the sentences: There are no windows in my office. I don’t like my office. (which/where)
I don't like my office in which there are no windows / I don't like my office where there are no windows
Rewrite the sentences: My boss has handed in his resignation. He wants to spend more time with his family. (who)
My boss, who has handed in his resignation, wants to spend more time with his family
I know it isn’t very exciting, but it’s a steady / careful / reliable job, which is important nowadays.
If you don’t study harder, you’ll end up in a boring, no- / dead- / wrong- end job.
The government should do more to help people who are lost / away / out of work.
We offer teamwork / sick leave when needed
Sick leave
You will be expected to do work in fields / shifts (6 am – 2 pm, 2 pm –10 pm or 10 pm – 6 am).
We offer a good position / wage (depending on the amount of fruit picked)
We need reliable / rewarding workers who we can trust