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4, group 2, reading pp.74-75, vocab
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I am looking .................... him because he is shouting for help.
I left my suitcase on the .................! Fortunately, one of the passengers on a train noticed that and told me.
There is an amazing ............... in the city centre. We buy there vegetables and fruit from all over the world.
I like when the .............. on the bathroom walls are white.
Why are you ................ at me? I didn't do anything wrong.
I don't like to be in ............... , especially at the concerts when there are lots of people.
Let's take ......... rather than a car. It is much faster.
There is no ................. in this town. How can tourist learn about this place?
tourist centre, tourist information centre, tourist office
My mum bought a very good ..................... It helped us find out about New York more.
She .............. at me and said hello.
I love ..................... with my parents. They always choose very interesting cities to visit.
going sightseeing
I didn't even see when he left! He .............. in .............
went ..... a flash
Let's take ..................., it will be faster than the stairs.
escalator, ( or) lift