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A generator transfers __________ energy to ___________ energy.
mechanical to electrical
What does the "k" stand for in Coulomb's law?
Coulomb/electrostatic constant (8.99 X 109 N●m2/C2)
What is the charge of a proton?
(e) = 1.60 X 10^(−19) coulomb
What is the charge of an electron?
(-e) = - 1.60 X 10^(−19) coulomb
What is the SI unit of charge?
Coulomb (C)
What is an electrical safety device that contains a metal wire which melts when too much current flows through it?
An ____________ can be used to detect the presence of charge.
Magnetic field lines always form _______ loops
A lightning bolt occurs when billions of electrons are transferred at the same time.... TRUE OR FALSE?
Earth’s geographic north pole is actually a magnetic south pole..... TRUE OR FALSE?
TRUE. Because opposite poles attract, Earth's north magnetic pole is actually a magnetic south pole and Earth's south magnetic pole is a magnetic north pole
Electric currents flow from _____ potential/voltage to ____ potential/voltage
high to low
The electric _______ is the rate at which electric charges pass through a given area.
Current. I = ∆q/∆t
____________ is found by dividing the voltage across the conductor by the current.
Resistance.   V=??
Why are lightning rods placed at the top of buildings?
If lightning hits a building, it will strike the rod and be conducted to ground through a wire, instead of passing through the building.
Objects with an excess of charge - either positive or negative - can have a charge removed by a process known as......
Some materials have zero resistance when their temperature falls below a critical temperature, these are called ________________.
Electric field lines point towards a _________ charge and away from a ________
Towards a negative, away from a positive.
For the right hand rule, the fingers (not the thumb) represents the direction of the.......
Magnetic Field
Electrons flow from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.... TRUE OR FALSE?
FALSE. Electrons flow from negative to positive!!!
A motor transfers __________ energy to ___________ energy.
electrical to mechanical
If a transformer decreases _________, it is called a step down transformer.
For a magnet, the strongest magnetic force is located......
Magnetic poles
Electric current that reverses direction is called........
Alternating current
Give an example of charging by induction
Lightning. Induction charging is a method used to charge an object without actually touching the object to any other charged object
Rubbing your socks on the carpet is an example of charging by…
What is the SI unit of resistance?
ohm (Ω)
The rate at which charges move through a conductor is.....
What shows the strength and direction of an electric field?
Electric field lines
An electric force between objects increases when the _________ between them decreases.
Conductors have a high resistance.... TRUE OR FALSE?
FALSE. Conductors have a low resistance, insulators have a high resistance!
Rank in order of least resistance to most resistance: conductors, insulators, superconductors, and semiconductors
Superconductors-> conductors-> semiconductors-> insulators
An object can have _______, ___________ or __________
An object can have positively charged, negatively charged, or zero net charge.
Complete the sentence. An object with an equal number of positive and negative charges……..
An object with an equal number of positive and negative charges has zero net charge. (We also say that the object is neutral).
Complete the sentence. An object is negatively charged when it contains........ 
An object is negatively charged when it contains more negative  charges than positive charges. (More electrons than protons)
Complete the sentence. An object is positively charged when it contains........ 
An object is positively  when it contains more positive charges than negative charges. (More protons than electrons)
Identical poles ______ each other
Opposite poles ______ each other.
All magnets have ______ opposite poles
What type of circuit is it?
Series circuit
What type of circuit is it?
Parallel circuit
What is elecricity?
Electricity is the "flow" of electrons.
In a parallel circuit, there is more than one path for current to flow.... TRUE OR FALSE?
In a series circuit, there is more than one pathway for charges to flow.... TRUE OR FALSE?
FALSE. There is only one single pathway for charges to flow in a series circuit
What happen when two objects have zero/neutral charge?
Two objects with zero net charge do not attract or repel each other.
What's a insulator?
An insulator is a material through which an electric charge cannot move easily.
What is a conductor?
A conductor is a material through which an electric charge can move easily.
When do two objects attract?
Two objects oppositely charged attract each other.
A circuit breaker is designed to close an overloaded circuit. True or false?
FALSE. Circuit breakers OPEN an overloaded circuit and prevent overheating.
What type of charge do electrons have?
What type of charge do protons have?
Plastic, wood, glass, rubber, ceramic, fabric, wool, etc...
Metal, copper, iron, steel, water, aluminium, etc..
What part of the atom is not inside the nucleous?
When do two objects repel?
Two objects with the same charge repel each other.