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Food idioms

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He's exactly like his father, the _______ never falls for from the tree.
Choose the missing word in "have a lot on one's ________": 1. arms, 2. head, 3. plate
Which idiom means "give away a secret"? 1. spill the peanuts 2. spill water 3. spill the beans
spill the beans
Which idiom means "a very clever person"? 1. a piece of cake 2. a smart cookie 3. the cream of the crop
2. a smart cookie
The government took a carrot-and-________ approach to remove the people who were protesting against the construction of the dam.
"Simon is the first carrot top I've ever gone out with." What does "carrot top" mean?
A ginger person
"My husband has had to bring home the bacon ever since I broke my leg." What does this idiom mean?
to earn money
What does idiom "cheesy" means? Example: I love reading cheesy romance novels because I don't have to think.
cheap, of low quality or in bad taste
His father told him not to put all _____ in one basket, so Jimmy studied law as well as graphic design.
I'll give you the story in a nutshell because: we don't have much time / it'll make a story more interesting
it'll make it more interesting
Parents who feed their children _____ food risk turning them into overweight, unhealthy and unhappy kids?
Classical music isn't really Mary's cup of tea, so when I offered to take her to a concert of chamber music, she: was really excited / wasn't all that excited
wasn't all that excited
This job is my bread and butter, so: I don't really need it / I can't afford to lose it
I can't afford to lose it
Kenny gave me a knuckle sandwich and I said: "No thanks, I'm not hungry."/"Ouch! That hurt!"
"Ouch, that hurt"
When he was out of work, Frank was a couch potato and he: put on a lot of weight/lost a lot of weight/lost a lot of height.
put on a lot of wheight
I don't think Jan will come to the bar because she has a _________ in the oven.
Beating them was the easiest thing in the world - it was like taking ______ from a baby.
a candy
What does the idiom "to be born with a silver spoon in a mouth" mean?
To be born in a wealthy family
What does "add salt to injury" mean?
to do or say something that makes a bad situation even worse for someone
It was obvious that many people had greased the chief of police's palm because he had: become very poor/become very rich/become very greasy
become very rich
Jeremy had to eat humble pie because: there was nothing else to eat/he wanted to seem humble/it was clear he was wrong
it was clear he was wrong