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Ancient Greece

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Who wrote the Iliad and the odyssey?
Describe the acropolis
Once a fortress or citadel in Athens, now dedicated with temples to Athena
Describe the Parthenon. Looks, location, and content
balanced in looks with columns, in the acropolis of Athens, a statue of Athena made with ivory and gold
How do we know all of the teachings of Socrates?
Plato wrote it down
How did they build amphitheaters?
Built into the side of hills so the seats were high above center stage
How did Socrates study knowledge, truth, and the meaning of life?
Asked questions and tested his answers with more questions- Socratic Method
Tutored Alexander the Great- Plato, Aristotle, or both?
Wrote "The Republic" about the ideal state- Plato, Aristotle, or both?
Philosopher and writer- Plato, Aristotle, or both?
Founded the Academy in Athens? Plato, Aristotle, or both?
Founded the Lyceum? Plato, Aristotle, or both?
How do the Iliad and the Odyssey provide insight to Ancient Greece?
It shows us the values and customs of Greek society
What was the purpose of the Olympic games?
To honor Zeus with a competition
How did the Greeks use myths? (Hint: it's the same as Mesopotamia)
To explain events in their everyday lives
How would we describe the gods?
Human like in actions and emotions
Describe the religion of Ancient Greece
How did Hellenistic culture spread throughout the Greek empire?
Through military conquest by Alexander
What happened to the Greek empire after Alexander's death?
It fell apart
Alexander the Great's empire stretched over what three continents?
Africa, Asia, and Europe
Who was Alexander the Great's father?
King Phillip II
In response the the Delian League being created, what did the Spartans do?
Created the Peloponnesian League
How did Pericles use the Delian League money?
To rebuild Athens
What was the name of the league the Athenians began to protect themselves from further attacks from the Persians?
Delian League
What was a consequence of the Peloponnesian Wars?
Greek city states were weakened and vulnerable to attack by the Macedonians
All of Greece was united under what city-states rule after King Phillip II conquered them?
How did the Persian wars begin?
After the Persians conquered parts of Asia Minor, colonies in the area rebelled with support of Athens
How did the Persian wars change the relationship between Athens and Sparta?
They formed a common Greek Culture and Greek identity
Name the battles of the Persian wars in order.
Anatolia, Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis