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Area Word Problems

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Harold is building a unique house. The shape of the front of the house is a parallelogram. It will have a triangular door cut out of it. What is the area of the front of his house without the door?
140m squared - 4m squared = 136m squared
A cookie sheet has an area of 72cm squared. The base of the sheet is 9cm. What is the height of the cookie sheet?
A square poster has an area of 35cm squared. What is the based and the height?
A bus has an area of 25m squared. The height of the bus is 3m. What is the base?
Jack's yard has an area of 56m squared. The height of the yard is 8m. What is the base?
A piece of paper has an area of 88cm squared. The based of the paper is 8cm. What is the height of the paper?
Christina is painting her triangular artwork. The artwork has a based of 12cm and a height of 8cm. What is the area of her artwork?
48cm squared
A farmer is buying seed for his farmland. His land is shaped like a parallelogram. It has a based of 50m and a height of 10m. What is the area of the farmland?
500m squared
Jake is building a triangular garden. He needs to know how much fertilizer he needs to cover the space. If the garden has a base of 8m and a height of 3m, what is the area of the garden?
12m squared
A door is 2m by 1.5m. What is the area of the door?
3m squared
A square box is 12cm wide. What is the area of the box?
144cm squared
A candy wrapped is 4cm wide and 9cm long. What is the area of the wrapper?
36cm squared
A pool is 11m by 5m. What is the area of the pool?
55m squared
A phone is 12cm by 6cm. What is the area of the phone?
72cm squared