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Ancient Greece Geo and Gov

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Label F
Mediterranean Sea
label E
Asia Minor
Label D
Label C
Peloponnesian Peninsula
Label B
Name A
What is an oligarchy?
A council of elders hold the most power- it is a government ruled by few men
How does a direct democracy work?
ALL citizens vote on ALL issues facing the community
Name the types of governments that Athens and Sparta had.
Athens- direct democracy Sparta-Oligarchy
When a community-wide code of conduct is established and all people including the government are expected to follow them this is called
rule of law
People vested with rights, privileges, and duties in a community refers to
What does polis refer to?
city or body of citizens
Sparta, Athens or both? Boys educated in math, reading, writing, music, drama, and military practices
Sparta, Athens or both? Women could own property and speak in public
Sparta, Athens or both? Women were not allowed to vote
Sparta, Athens or both? women had few rights
Sparta, Athens or both? boys and girls educated in military practices
Sparta, Athens or both? Had slaves?
Sparta or Athens? Focused on farming
Sparta or Athens? Focused on trade
Sparta or Athens? Located on inland plains of the Peloponnesian pen.
Sparta or Athens? Located near the Aegean Sea
Describe the location and way that Athens attained the amount of food necessary to support their population.
Placed on the rocky coast of the Balkan pen, used maritime trade and colonies in Asia minor to supply food to the population
Describe the location and way that Sparta attained the amount of food necessary to support their population.
inland portion of the Peloponnesian pen., on flat fertile land, grew their own crops
Athens and Sparta were both...?
The Peloponnesian peninsula is located in which section of Ancient Greece?
Describe Greece's geographical features and how they effected the development of civilizations.
It was made of up of a very mountainous terrain the caused them to develop independent city-states
Which city state is located in the Peloponnesian peninsula?