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What does esoteric interpretations of Islam tend to emphasize about the spiritual significance of Mi‘raj?
It is seen as a symbol of the journey of the soul, and the human potential to rise above the trappings of material life – through prayer, piety, and discipline.
How do you understand - During Mi'raj Prophet had 1:1 conversation with God?
It can be understood literally, on a symbolic level it means Prophet had an opportunity be in God's presence and experience his grace
Tell me one thing you learnt from 'Mi'raj' story?
We need to seek the truth, divine, we all have the potential to experience God, Stories are understood literally and symbolically, symbols guide us in our quest
What one symbol from the miraj story helped you understand the inner meaning of the night journey?
Ladder, White Animal, Jibrail, Prophets along the way, heaven, etc. Did they explain it well?
What is Miraj?
The Journey that the Prophet takes to the seven heavens accompanied by Jibrail- back to his home.
What is Isra?
The journey that Prophet Muhammad takes from Masjid al Harram (Kaba) to Masjid al Aqsa (Jerulasalem)
What is a spiritual quest? (use the idea of experiences and stories we examined in class to support your answer)
actively searching for meaning and purpose in life, to become a more self-aware and enlightened person, to find answers to life’s mysteries and “big questions
What is a quest? (use an example or a story that we examined)
a long or arduous search for something. croods, nasa, Aziz, Karen Armstrong etc.etc.