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Holy Spirit

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When was the Day of Pentecost? Why is that day important?
50 days after Passover/10 days after Christ ascended. It is the day the Holy Spirit came down.
Can the Holy Spirit be lost (can He leave someone)? If so, name someone who lost the Holy Spirit.
Samson. King Saul.
What is so significant about Jesus telling the disciples He will send "another helper?"
It meant the Holy Spirit was going to be on the same level (power, authority, etc.) as Jesus.
In what ways does the Holy Spirit help us?
Prays for us. Strengthens us. Guides/Teaches us. Reveals the plan of God to us.
What is the significance of using brick/asphalt instead of stone/mortar?
Brick/asphalt were man-made materials. The people were saying they didn't need God, they could build/live without Him or His help.
God breathed into Adam to give him life, just as Jesus...
breathed into his disciples. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit (breath) when we first believe.
Christ said that we the believers (the church) are the...
Salt and Light of the world
How can we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
Ask for it. Seek (look) for it. Have faith (believe) you will receive it.
How can we receive the Holy Spirit?
Believe in Jesus Christ
When did the Holy Spirit come into existence?
He always existed.
What pronouns are used to describe the Holy Spirit? Why?
He/Him/His. He is a person (the third persona of the Trinity). He is not a force.
How many people were saved after Peter's sermon (preaching) on the Day of Pentecost?
3,000 people
Where does the Holy Spirit dwell (live)?
Inside the believers
What needed to happen for the Holy Spirit to descend from Heaven?
Jesus had to leave/go to the Father/ascend to Heaven
Who baptizes in Spirit and Fire?
What was so wrong about the Towel of Babel?
The people were prideful. They thought they didn’t need God.
What is the "Day of Pentecost?"
The day the Holy Spirit descended from Heaven
What does the Holy Spirit prevent?
Evil from abounding (overflowing), Chaos
The Holy Spirit is also called:
Holy Ghost, Helper, Counselor, Comforter, Breathe of God, Guide, Avisor
Who is the Holy Spirit?
3rd person of the Trinity