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Ancient Rome

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What was a tribune and what did they do?
They were voted for by the plebeians and they could 'veto' a law that was unfair.
At it's peak how many people lived in the Roman Empire?
70 million
What did Caesar do for ten years after he was consul?
Conquer Gaul
Which two Romans had months named after them?
Julius Caesar (July) and Augustus (August)
What was the name of Caesar's real son?
Who was the Queen of Egypt that two famous Romans fell in love with?
What was the name of the invention the Romans created during the Punic Wars to land on other boats?
Who was the general who came over the Alps with elephants?
Who fought three wars against Rome, eventually losing and having their city destroyed?
Who was the last King of Rome?
Tarquinius Superbus
Who was Sulla?
General who won the civil war for the Patricians
When did Vesuvius explode to destroy Pompeii?
What is supposed to have happened to Romulus at the end of his life?
Taken to heaven by a whirlwind to become a god
Give two reasons why Rome a good place to build a city?
Because it was on a hill, near to water, fertile land nearby, easy to defend
What did an aqueduct do?
Took water from one place to another across long distances.
What were the names of the twins who are meant to have founded Rome?
Romulus and Remus
Before Emperors, what was the name of the most powerful job in Rome?
Name one of the tactics that the Roman Army used
Wedge, Tortoise etc
What was the group of people called who were rich and powerful?
What were the group of people who were free but didn't have much power called?
What was the name of the gladiator who escaped and made his own army?
Who was in the second Triumvirate?
Mark Antony, Octavian, Lepidus
Who was in the first Triumvirate?
Pompey, Crassus, Caesar
Who was the first Emperor of Rome?
When was Ancient Rome founded? A) 45BC B) 753BCE C)753CE
B) 753BCE