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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When did was America "officially" discovered by Europeans? (Miguel)
Who won the Russian Civil War? (Miguel)
The Red Army/Communists
What year did the French Revolution start? (Miguel)
Who played the character of Rio in Casa de Papel? (Sara and Carmen)
Migeul Herrán
What was Tik-Tok called before it was called Tik-Tok? (Sara and Carmen)
What video-calling app became popular during the quarantine? (Sara and Carmen)
House Party
How do you say "snob" in Spanish? (Sara and Carmen)
What is the name of the main charater in the TV show Euphoria? (Sara and Carmen)
Rue Bennett
In which continent is India? (Ariel and Diego)
Who has the most followers on Instagram? (Diego and Ariel)
Cristiano Ronaldo
Who sings "Si por mi fuera"? (Ariel and Diego)
Who is the king of Spain? (Ariel and Diego)
Felipe VI
Who won the Champions League in 2021? (Ariel and Diego)
Who wrote the Odyssey? (David and Joan)
Which is Spain's oldest football club? (David and Joan)
Recreativo de Huelva
Who is the top ranked Spanish badminton player (male or female)? (David and Joan)
Carolina Marín
Which male tennis player has won the most grand slams? (David and Joan)
Nadal (21)
In which Rauw Alejandro song appear the lyrics "Aceleraste mis latidos"? (Marta and Diego)
Todo de ti
How many kids does Verdeliss have? (Marta and Diego)
What embarrassing thing did the Spanish singer do in Eurovision 2017? (Marta and Diego)
Hit a false note
People who listen to Morad are called...? (Marta and Diego)
Who is the Spanish Tik-Toker with the most followers? (Marta and Diego)
Naim Darrechi