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C07 Midterm

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Alice is 10. Terry is 14. Who is younger?
Alice is younger than Terry.
Alice is 10. Terry is 14. Who is older?
Terry is older than Alice.
teacher / scary / my mom
The teacher is scarier than my mom.
I like helping sick people. I am a _____.
I play the guitar. I am a ________.
I help people have nice teeth. I am a _____.
I love animals. I am a _______.
What does he want to be?
He wants to be a musician.
What do they want to be?
They want to be a soccer player.
Which one is shorter?
The pencil is shorter.
bear / scary / dog
A bear is scarier than a dog.
Who is older? You or your friend?
I am older than my friend. / My friend is older than me.
Who is taller? Your mom or your dad?
My dad is taller than my mom.
What do you want to be?
I want to be a ...
What does your friend want to be?
He/She wants to be a ....
Which is faster? The car or the bike?
The car is faster.
What does he want to do?
He wants to go bowling.
What does she want to be?
She wants to be a dentist.
What do you want to do?
I want to go to a waterpark.
What does she want to be?
She wants to be a vet.
What do you want to do?
I want to ....
What does she want to do?
She wants to sing karaoke.
What does he want to be?
He wants to be a pilot.