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Selecting Appropriate Instructional materials

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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15 points
What are the four remedies?
Language Competency, Length of text, Cultural Competency, Student's Interest
What's the complete name of the reporter?
TRUE or FALSE - Does instructional materials play both an essential and a significant role in teaching and in learning of various subject?
They are encapsulated in the acronym CARE. What are those?
1.Cultural Enrichment 2. Authenticity of Materials 3. Relevant Language Enrichment 4. Ease Requirement in Reading and Understanding
It is a literature text that offers universal themes which are relevant to the student's own experience.
Ease Requirement in Reading and Understanding
A literature text are not created for the specific purposes of teaching. Instead, they talk about things which mattered to the author when he wrote them.
Relevant Language Enrichment
It is also a doorway into another culture.
Cultural Enrichment
A literature text so often touch on common themes and values Wich range from individual concerns to social issues such as death, love, pollution, and ethnic conflicts.
Authenticity of Materials
According to ___________ Instructional materials promote teacher's efficiency and improve student's performance
Oliyinka (2015)