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A1 food and quantifiers

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Які продукти зараз в тебе у холодильнику? - В мене є капуста, огірки, помідори, трохи полуниць, 10 яєць і трохи свинини. Але нема цибулі. А в тебе?
What products do you have in your fridge? - I have (some) сabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, some strawberries, ten eggs, and some pork. But I don't have any onions.
Що ти звичайно їси на сніданок? - Я їм кашу з сухофруктами, хліб з маслом і п'ю яблучний сік.
What do you usually eat for breakfast? - I eat (some) porridge/oatmeal with dried fruit, bread with butter, and drink (some) orange juice. What do you eat?..
Можеш дати мені цукерок?
Can you give me some candies?
В тебе багато одягу?
Do you have many clothes?
В мене немає цукру вдома. В тебе є цукор?
I don't have any sugar at home, do you have any sugar?
Ти готував\ла яблучний пиріг на вихідних? Що ти готувала\в на вихідних?
Did you cool (bake) an apple pie yesterday? What did you cook on the weekend?
Ти вегетарианець\ка? Ти їси рибу і м"ясо?
Are you a vegetarian? Do you eat fish and meat?