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Easter Quiz

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Name the flowers
Daffodils / Narcissus
Name the flowers
I'm often very colourful and have wings, but I'm not a bird. I love flowers and am always around in Spring. What am I?
A butterfly
I'm very small with black and yellow stripes. I love flowers and am always around during Spring. What am I?
a bumble bee
I'm often given as a gift at Easter and am sweet and delicious! What am I?
An Easter egg
I'm small and round with feathers and a beak. What am I?
A chick
I'm small and fluffy with long ears and a small, round tail. What am I?
A rabbit.
Darius, a Flemish Giant Rabbit who lives in the Midlands, is the world’s largest bunny rabbit. How big is he? a) 60 centimetres b) A little over 1 metre c) 5 metres d) 25 metres
b) A little over 1 metre
Why do many Easter eggs have a crocodile or fish scale design on them? a)To represent the fish eaten on Good Friday b) To cover up any imperfections in the chocolate c) Just to look pretty d) The design is inspired by a valuable Fabergé egg
b) To cover up any imperfections in the chocolate
What part of the cocoa plant is chocolate made from? a) Beans b) Leaves c) Berries d) Flowers
a) beans
What happens to the clocks in spring? a) They go forward b) They go back c) They all stop d) They’re all replaced with the sound of dogs barking
a) They go forward
Some countries have a different animal delivering eggs instead of the Easter bunny. What bird delivers eggs in Switzerland? a) Penguin b) Ostrich c) Cuckoo d) Puffin
c) cuckoo
The world’s largest chocolate Easter egg was created by an Italian chocolatier. It was 10.39 metres tall. How much did it weigh? Around the weight of ... a) a giraffe b) a car c) a large African elephant d) a double decker bus
c) a large African elephant
What does the rabbit in Alice In Wonderland always carry with him? a) An Easter egg b) A pocket watch c) An umbrella d) A mobile phone
b) A pocket watch
The Easter bunny was originally depicted as a hare, but from which European country does he originate? a) Germany b) Denmark c) Italy d) Wales
a) Germany
On average, how many Easter Eggs do British children receive each year? a) 8 b) 12 c) 4 d) 1
a) 8 eggs
Most places celebrate by painting eggs in rainbow colours, but which country only has red Easter eggs? a) Italy b) Greece c) China d) Denmark
(b) Greece only celebrates with red Easter eggs. The eggs represent the blood of Christ and rebirth.
In France, every Easter Monday, the residents of Haux make a massive Easter omelette that serves over 1,000 people. How many eggs are cracked into the giant pan? a) 10,000 b) 6,250 c) 4,500 d) 2,000
(c) 4,500 eggs
No quiz about Easter is complete without the Easter bunny! But, which other animal is commonly seen around Easter?
A chick
True or False: Easter Island is a real place in the World
How many countries around the world mark the Christian celebration of Easter? a) 38 countries b) 52 countries c) 95 countries d) 123 countries
c) 95 countries around the world celebrate Easter
What is the name of the game where you go searching for Easter eggs and collect them in a basket? a) Easter Smash b) Easter Adventure c) Easter Hide and Seek d) Easter Egg Hunt
(d) Easter Egg Hunt
For what reason are Eggs commonly associated with Easter? a) They are a good source of protein b) They symbolise new life c) To use up all the Christmas chocolate d) Because they look super cute
(b) they symbolise new life
Does Easter happen on the same day every year? a) Yes b) No c) Only on Leap Years
(b) No, Easter does not fall on the same day each year. The date of Easter Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon.