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Les Miserables

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who in this film is the most compassionate? How does this story illustrate the tremendous power of compassion to do good?
Did Jean Valjean do wrong by stealing the coin from Petit Gervais? Do you blame him for doing it? If you don’t blame him for stealing the coin, where do you draw the line between crime which should be punished and crime that can be excused?
Did Jean Valjean do wrong by stealing the silver from the Bishop? Do you blame him for doing it? If you don’t blame him for stealing the silver, where do you draw the line between crime which should be punished and crime that can be excused
Did Jean Valjean do wrong by trying to escape from the galleys? Do you blame him for trying to escape? If you don’t blame him for trying to escape, where do you draw the line between crime which should be punished and crime that can be excu
Describe the character of Javert and tell us: Why he let Jean Valjean go? Why he committed suicide? What should he have done instead
What did Jean Valjean do to redeem himself?
How would you react to an ex-convict who had spent many years in the harshest and roughest prisons, living and working close to you? What if you had young children?
Do you think that Cosette and Marius knew each other well enough to really fall in love? What chances do you give them for long term happiness together?
Why did Jean Valjean spare Javert’s life?
Do the ills described still exist in our society? Are stories like Les Misérables still necessary?