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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20.- Infer: The girl chose her shoes.
2.- People choose what to study.
19.-Break your leg: the player broke his leg.
2.- The lord broke his leg.
18.- Compare: The teacher compared the results.
2.- I compare the colors
17.- Carefully: The mother feeds her baby carefully.
2.- I make my homework carefully.
16.- Ostrich: The ostrich throws very strong kicks
2.- The ostrich is a very large bird
15.- Bark: my dog barks a lot
2.- the dog barks at strangers.
14.-Use your head: Chess players concentrated on the game.
2.- children concentrate in class.
13.- Think on your feet: Children think about playing.
2.- the maetra thinks about her food
12.- Make up your mind: The scientist had a great idea for his experiment.
2.- the teacher had an idea to work with his students
11.- Miss Maria thinks about her lunch.
2.- The girl thinks a lot about this math problem
10.- The girl of deconcentration and lost the game of chess.
2.- The child deconcentrated on the exam and lost it.
9.- Working on my computer makes my tasks easier.
2.- The child makes the job easy
8.- Follow your head/heart: When they make a decision, follow your head and your heart.
2.- Follow your head and your heart
7.- By Word of mouth: the president of a matute speech.
2.- The teacher gave a speech to her students.
6.- Be in two minds: The child does not know which way to go.
2.- The child is hesitant
5.- Work (something) out: children complete their homework.
2.- the child completes the puzzle.
4.- Think outside the box: She has a great idea about her project.
2.- Children have an idea for their teamwork.
3.- Thing(something) through: My sister thinks about her birthday
2.- I think about my exams
2.- Strengthen your concentration: Children strengthen their knowledge.
2.- Children can exercise their knowledge by studying and exercising
1.- Solve by trial error: The scientist recovers his experience.
2.- Students solve the English test.