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Superflex vs Rockbrain

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don't like the partner I have to work with so I scream "I hate you".
I don't want to do IReady right now. I want to listen to a story. I tell myself maybe I can listen to it later.
I didn't get to go first today so I refuse to move from my spot.
I lost at a game and tell the other team good game instead of getting upset.
It pavers only at recess. I say "that's ok I can use the playground tomorrow".
My schedule changed and I yell "I want to go home".
I stop talking about Mario with my friend because I know he prefers to talk about football
"Yikes! it looks like I pushed my pencil too hard and ripped my paper. It's okay I can get a new piece of paper or some tape
"I will ONLY eat at McDonalds!"
My chromebook is broken. I can't use it today. "That's okay. I can use paper and pencil for my work."
The store I want to go to is closed today. I want it open NOW! Now! Now!
(An ad pops up) "AHHH this is the WORST!!" I can never use my iPad again because of these annoying adds
the bus is late). "It's okay. My bus is probably just running late today."
It's time to come inside and wash up for dinner. I stop playing, go inside, and wash up for dinner.
My friends are all playing basketball on the playground. I want to play tag. I run around tagging kids instead of playing basketball
Mom says it's time to stop playing video games. I ignore her and keep playing!