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P4 Final Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Electricity produced by wind is called solar power A. TRUE B. FALSE
Acid rain is an example of chemical weathering TRUE FALSE
Burning fossil fuels does NOT cause air pollution TRUE FALSE
What is an internal structure?
Anything inside of a plant or animals body
What is an external structure?
Anything outside of a plant or animals body
Which happens during physical weathering? A. It snows. B. Rocks are chemically changed into limestone. C.The size and the shape of rocks are changed. D. Rust is created from the combination of water and air.
C. Size and shape of rocks are changed
When a rock is changed from big to small it is called A. Weathering B.Erosion C. Deposition
The heart is an internal structure True or False
A behavioral adaptation is a change in what an animal looks like TRUE or FALSE
A caterpillar pretending to be a snake is an example of mimicry TRUE or FALSE
The roots get sunlight for the plant TRUE or FALSE
Camouflage does not help an animal survive TRUE or FALSE
Plants need shelter to live TRUE or FALSE
Name 5 things plants need to live
air, water, nutrients, space, sunlight
Name 5 things animals need to live
water, food, air, shelter, space
Which is not a fossil fuel? A. oil B. natural gas C.wood D.Coal
when an animal pretends to be another animal or plant
When an animal blends in or looks like the surrounding environment
A change in a physical structure or appearance that helps an animal survive
structural adaptation
A change in behavior that helps an animal survive
behavioral adaptation
Which of the following is an example of hydro power A. Wind mill B.Solar panels C. Water Dam D. Nuclear plant
Water Dam