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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name five adjectives.
Name nine sports (use do, play and go)
Complete the sentence: I ..... a nurse. I fix cars.
I AM NOT a nurse.
Is it the same to say: We aren't happy or we are not happy? Why?
When do we use PLAY, DO and GO?
Complete the sentence: Elisa ........ a ..... girl. She doesn't like sports.
Elisa ISN'T a SPORTY girl. She doesn't like sports.
Is this sentence correct?Why? : We am a group.
Turn this into a negative sentence: We go to mass every Sunday.
We don't go to mass every Sunday.
Form a sentence: She- pray - every night - 10:30.
She prays at half past ten every night.
Turn this into a positive sentence: They aren't at home.
They are at home.
Is this correct? Why? She plays weight-lifting.
Which verb will you use? They ...... karate in the early morning.
Is it the same to say: It is a cat or It isn't a cat? Why?
Which pronoun will you use instead of "Esteban, Julio and I"?
Is this sentence correct? Why? He am an excellent boy.
No, it isn't
Which pronoun will you use instead of "Juan and Sofía"?
Complete the sentence: He ........ a player
He IS a player
Adjectives: someone who doesn’t like sharing.
Adjectives: someone who is outgoing and feels sure of themselves.
Adjectives: someone who often trips and drops things.