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2nd/3rd grade Online safety

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is it okay to share passwords with?
parents and teachers
Give examples of 3 different types of devices.
laptop, chromebook, phone, tablet, gaming system, tv
What does the "T" in STOP stand for when dealing with cyberbullying?
Tell a trusted adult
What does the "S" in STOP stand for when dealing with cyberbullying?
Step away
What crime is it when other people steal your information and pretend to be you?
Identity theft
Why should you keep your passwords a secret?
Sharing passwords is dangerous, even with friends.
Do you think the Internet is safe for young people?
Have any of your friends met anyone in person after talking to them online?
*Whoa, your teacher's flabbergasted*
Have you ever met any strangers from the Internet?
Do you have a website or a place online to talk with friends?
What pictures do you think are appropriate to share online? What pictures are not?
Remember: Anything that you put on the internet will stay there. It can be copied, screenshot, edited, and saved on anyone's computer or device.
8UykE25!! Is this a strong password? Why or why not?
This is a strong password - it has letters, numbers, and symbols.
Who is it okay to accept a friend request from? Who should you not accept a friend request from? Provide specific examples!
For example, Suzy from school is acceptable but Mr. Jones the bus driver is not.
Should you respond to cyberbullying with more cyberbullying?
NO! This will make it worse.
What should you do if you are experiencing cyberbullying?
Talk to a trusted adult.
If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, don't say it to them online - true or false?
True! Always be respectful and kind online and offline.