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13 Colonies Regions Quiz Review
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What region did the Pilgrims build their colony, Plymouth, in?
New England colonies
What region had the colony of Jamestown in it?
Southern colonies
Why were the New England colonies unable to rely on farming as part of their economy? (2)
the soil was too rocky and the climate was too cold
Which region did NOT rely on farming as part of their economy?
New England colonies
What region's economy had smaller farms, logging, shipbuilding, textiles, and papermaking as part of their economy?
Mid-Atlantic or Middle colonies
What region's economy relied mainly on the ocean?
New England colonies
Which region grew tobacco, rice, indigo, and cotton?
Southern colonies
What region had extremely large farms called plantations, and relied mainly on slavery to grow and harvest crops?
Southern colonies
Which region's geography was mainly mountainous and rocky?
New England colonies
Which region's climate was not too hot and not too cold, but mild for both summer and winter?
Middle or Mid-Atlantic colonies
What region had hot summers and warm/mild winters?
Southern colonies
What colonies were in the New England Region?
Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts
What colonies were in the Mid-Atlantic or Middle Colonies? (4)
New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware
What colonies were in the Southern Region? 5
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland