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Mollusks and Worms

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name at least two uses or mollusks
Food, building homes, decoration, biodiversity, medicine
Name the three phyla of worms
Phylum Platyhelminthes, Phylum Annelida, Phylum Nematoda
Name at least three classes of Phylum Mollusca
Bivalvia, gastropoda, cephalopoda, monoplacophora, scaphopoda, polyplacophora, aplaplacophora
How are worms helpful to human?
They help form fertile soil for our plants and crops.
How do marine mollusks breath under the water?
They use gills.
Compare bivalvia and gastropoda.
Baivalvia are molluscs with a pair of shell, while gastropoda covered its whole body with shell. They move with feet attached to stomach.
How are most of the mollusks similar to one another?
They have soft bodies that are covered by calciferous shell or shell rich in calcium.
Platyhelminthes are acoelomate, Nematoda are pseudocoelomate, what about the Annelida?
All flatworms are animals under what phylum of worms?
Squid is an example of what kind of mollusk?