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vocabulary 6

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. I infer in my proyect
2. I infer in my exam
1. Breaker your leg is a idiom
2. You breake your leg in axident
1. I compare this apple
2. I compare This book
1. my brother treats carefully a dog
2. You treat carefully the things of others
1. The ostrich sticks its head in the ground, that's a myth
2. The ostrich run very fast
1. The dog bark a cat
2. All dogs bark at strangers
1. Us we use our heads to think
2. You use your head to give ideas
1. Think on your feet is unique
2. Make time to think on your feet
1. yourself to make a decision at work
2. I make up your mind a study
1. pictures form in your mind´s eyes and inspire
2. establish this image in your mind´s eyes
1. I´m have my head in the clouds
2. This is a idiom have your head in the clouds
1. The grandmothers, when one forgets things, tell him have your feet on the ground
2. this is a great idiom have your feet on the ground
1. Zombies follow your head
2. The zombis follow your heart
1. Trditional handed down from generation to generation of farmers by word of mouth
2. This is an area of myths and legends wich even today are transmitted by word of mouth
1. Presidents in wars have be in two minds
2. you have be in two minds in two solutions
1. I'm work out on a project
2. I´m work out at nasa
1. You think outside the box
2. I´m think outside the box
1. I can see thing through a window
2. You can't see thing through a wall
1. Your strengthen your concentration
2. Your go is travel a strengthen your concentration
1. You solve by trial and error
2. I´m solve by trial and error