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What can you tell me about these animals?
A lion is a mammal. It has fur on its body. It is carnivore. It has four legs and a tail. It can walk and run. A frog is an amphibian. It has bare skin. It is c
What are the living things on Earth?
People, animals and plants live on Earth.
What can we do to take care of the Earth?
We shouldn’t cut down the trees. We should plant new ones. We should not litter oceans. We can use less plastic.
What do you know about planets?
Mercury is the smallest planet. Venus is the hottest planet. Earth is the planet we live on. Jupiter is the biggest planet.
What are the planets in the solar system, can you name them? Which one is your favorite? Why?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune - Pluto is a dwarf planet, it is not considered as part of the Solar System. My favorite is…
What is in the center of the Solar System?
The Sun is in the center of the Solar System.
Can you explain how water changes its states?
When it is ice, it is a solid. Then when you heat the ice, it begins to melt and turns into water, which is a liquid. If you heat the water, it turns into gas.
Can you give an example of each state? Let’s start with solid…
Ices cubes are solid. Milkshake is liquid. Air is gas.
How many states of matter can you count?
There are 3 states of matter. They are gas, liquid and solid.
On a rainy day what should we wear or use? Why?
On a rainy day we should wear rain boots, a raincoat and we can use an umbrella because these materials are waterproof.
Is glass transparent or flexible material? How can you explain it?
Glass is a transparent material, so you can see through it. It is not a flexible material. It is hard.
What are the properties of a spoon and a towel?
A spoon is hard, smooth and waterproof. A towel is soft, rough and flexible.
Can you name some human made and natural materials?
Some human made materials are: shoes, notebooks, balloons, chairs, plastic bottles, rulers, raincoats. Some natural materials are: wood, wool, cotton, leather,
How do we classify materials?
We classify materials into two groups. They are human made and natural materials.
How does your sense of sight help you?
The sense of sight allows us to see everything around us with our eyes.
Which body part allows you to hear the sounds?
We hear or listen to sounds with the help of the organs called the ears.
On the tongue, there are sensory organs called taste buds. Can you name the taste buds?
There are five main flavours: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami. We taste the different flavours on different parts of our tongue with our taste buds.
Which body part do we use to taste food?
Our tongue helps us to taste foods.
Can you name the senses we have?
There are five main senses: sight (with our eyes), touch (with our fingers), smell (with our nose), taste (with our tongue) and hearing (with our ears).