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100th Day Would You Rather

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather have 100 basketballs or 100 baseballs?
That’s a lot of sports!
Would you rather go to school for 100 years or to work for 100 years?
Which to pick?
Would you have 100 days with no night or 100 nights with no day?
Would you rather build 100 snowmen or 100 sandcastles?
So much fun!
Would you rather grow your hair for 100 years or your finger nails?
That’s wild!
Would you rather do 100 jumping jacks or 100 push-ups?
Build some muscle!
Would you rather be on a boat for 100 days or an airplane for 100 days?
Quite a trip!
Would you rather have 100 sisters or 100 brothers?
That’s a lot!
Would you rather have 100 markers or 100 crayons?
Tough choice!
Would you rather have 100 apples or 100 oranges?
How could you choose?
Would you rather have 100 days of spring or 100 days of fall?
Would you rather it rain for 100 days or snow for 100 days?
Would you rather eat 100 pancakes or 100 waffles?
Pass the syrup!
Would you rather have 100 stamps or 100 stickers?
Would you rather go to the zoo 100 times or the aquarium?
Field Trip!
Would you rather have 100 cars or 100 motorcycles?
Vroom vroom!
Would you rather eat 100 hotdogs or 100 hamburgers?
Would you rather have 100 fingers or 100 toes?
Would you rather go to the beach 100 times or the mountains 100 times?
Would you rather run for 100 minutes or swim for 100 minutes?
Get moving!
Would you rather live where it’s 100 degrees or -100 degrees?
Would you rather read 100 books or do 100 math problems?
Sooo smart!
Would you rather eat 100 candy bars or 100 scoops of ice cream?
Would you rather have 100 cats or 100 dogs?