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Common Exam Practice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does "to propel" mean? A) worried B) to move slowly on water C) to push forward
C) to push forward
How does the person in the photo feel? A) tethered B) uneasy C) happy
B) uneasy
An activity outside of a spacecraft is called an __________________________. A) extravehicular activity B) blast C) propel
A) extravehicular activity
Birds are _________________. They incubate their eggs. A) omnivores B) oviparous C) viviparous
B) oviparous
We divide animals into two groups: Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Find the odd one out: Frogs, snakes and insects A) frogs B) snakes C) insects
C) insects
_________________ are the largest birds in the world. They can't fly. A) Ostriches B) Eagles C) Penguins
A) Ostriches
_________________ are the largest land mammals. They are herbivores. A) dolphins B) whales C) elephants
C) elephants
Sheep live in ___________. They are _______________. They eat grass, hay and grain. A) fields / carnivores B) fields / herbivores C) forests / omnivores
B) fields / herbivores
__________________ is an archaeological site in the northwest of the city Şanlıurfa. A) Çayönü B) The Troy C) Göbeklitepe
C) Göbeklitepe
Dede Korkut and Nasreddin Hodja stories are well-known examples of Turkish __________________. A) literature B) music C) handicrafts
A) literature
Which site is not a natural beauty of Turkey? A) Beldibi Cave B) Machu Picchu C) Alacaköyük
B) Machu Picchu
______________ is the amount of water vapour in the air. A) Temperature B) Precipitation C) Humidity
C) Humidity
Recycling used materials creates less air _____________. A) pollution B) planting C) chemicals
A) pollution
Cars and other vehicles emit large amounts of ________________. A) oxygen B) nitrogen C) carbon dioxide
C) carbon dioxide
I am fed up with my sister. She ___ always ____________. A) doesn' / cry B) didn't / cry C) is / crying
C) is / crying
She always ______________ her homework on Friday. A) doing B) does C) didn't do
B) does
I promise, this __________ never _______ again! A) will / happen B) didn't / happen C) is / happening
A) will / happen
Last year, I ____________ to Japan. A) traveled B) will travel C) travel
A) traveled
Sorry Sir but she has just ___________ the building. A) leaves B) leaving C) left
C) left
Look! The train is ___________. A) coming B) comes C) will come
A) coming
The sun __________ (rise) in the East. A) rising B) rises C) didn't rise
B) rises