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Ecosystem changes

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How has human population growth affected biodiversity?
It has accelerated the natural cycle of species substitution
What are fossils?
remaining parts of a dead living creature that can be thousands or millions of years old.
What is extinction?
when a species that lived on earth disappears.
What are TWO helpful man-made changes to ecosystems?
Conserving natural habitats, Protecting species, Reforestation, Controlling rubbish, Recycling
What are TWO harmful man-made changes to ecosystems?
Starting fires, Causing deforestation, Draining water, Exploiting resources, Dumping illegally
What is ecological balance?
there is little change in an ecosystem over the years because it balances and stays stable
What is the difference between a change in seasons and an ecosystem changing over time?
Ecosystems change in a repeating cycle of seasons, but sometimes grow and change in different ways too